German to English Dictionary

Deutsch Version

On my arrival I discovered that my luggage had been misplaced. That was fairly upsetting news, as in Budapest it was about -10ºC, as opposed to Timbaktu City, where it was 30, so my clothes were rather unsuitable for such weather. I reported the matter im German pronunciation - Say On my arrival I discovered that my luggage had been misplaced. That was fairly upsetting news, as in Budapest it was about -10ºC, as opposed to Timbaktu City, where it was 30, so my clothes were rather unsuitable for such weather. I reported the matter im in English pronunciation Meaning of "On my arrival I discovered that my luggage had been misplaced. That was fairly upsetting news, as in Budapest it was about -10ºC, as opposed to Timbaktu City, where it was 30, so my clothes were rather unsuitable for such weather. I reported the matter im" in English language